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Nicosia, Cyprus

The Medical School of the University of Cyprus


Ground Floor Plan
AA Section

The University aspires sustainability and environmentally friendly construction. The campus is located near the centre of the Mesaoria plain, on the banks of the River Pedieos. The area has a subtropical-hot semi-arid climate with long, hot and dry summer and most of the rainfall occurs during winter. In such climate, the major issue is the system of heat avoidance. The proposal includes passive design methods as a basic approach to minimise involvement of mechanical systems. 

By dividing one surface of the roof into three and locate them on different level, the building gets shaded space with controllable sunlit areas. The spaces between roofs allow the removal of heated air out of buildings. They also make easy way for local hot winds to get through the area. 

The proposed design form came out from the idea of use shading roof and take advantage of existing terrain. It is organised with three blocks as Administration, Teaching entity and Research laboratories. Communication between modules is provided by two sides communications spaces. These two lines generated two open spaces between functional modules.

All design is proposed as a local materials and with light colours as they reflect the light and reduced heat gain. 


There are several steel columns supporting the roof structure located at the external walls of each modules. This makes the proposed internal areas free of obstacles and more adaptable to different requirements and changes.



Visualisation by Tomasz Kamiński

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